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Political Change In Mexico

  • The new Mexican president was elected on July 2 with much fanfare from the plutocratic-controlled media. Can you guess what policies the newly elected chief executive is advancing?
Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
By Fred Lingel

Buried in the mainstream media's jubilation over Mexico's electing a "conservative" president and overturning the 71-year rule of the Institutional Re volutionary Party is one chilling fact: President-elect Vicente Fox wants "open borders" between the United States and Mexico.

Under his proposal -- which sounds like a demand -- there could be no illegal aliens from Mexico because they would legally cross the border at will.

In discussing the problems on the U.S.-Mexican border, where violence has erupted in recent months as ranchers assist the Border Patrol in trying to stop the flow of thousands of illegal immigrants, the president-elect said:

"This situation isn't solving our problems for either of us. It appears to me that both of us have lost sight of the goal, because the United States' goal has been to put up walls, police and soldiers to stop immigration. That can't work.

"Mexico's goal has been to open the escape valve, avoid its own responsibility to create jobs here, allow 350,000 young people to cross the border each year and wash its hands of responsibility."

Instead, Fox proposed a long-range plan for development in Mexico with the help of foreign aid (mostly American tax dollars) while opening the border so Mexicans could cross at will.

He also called for advancing NAFTA to cover labor and small businesses.

Fox said he would soon travel to Washington to meet with President Clinton because "the goal is to become true partners, neighbors and friends."

An open border between the two countries is an idea Fox has long embraced. Campaigning for votes among Mexican-"Americans" in enclaves from Chicago to California, Fox repeatedly stressed that he would open the border between the U.S. and Mexico. He said nothing about opening Mexico's southern border.

In prepared remarks for the California Assembly, Fox said Mexicans look at U.S. immigration policy "with utmost indignation." The speech text was released to the press but never actually delivered because Latino leaders became alarmed at the uproar Fox was causing.

"We cannot fail because we have awakened too many expectations, too many dreams and desires," Fox said in a broadcast on independent Radio Red.

Readers had to search hard and deep into the stories in mainstream newspapers to learn about Fox's open-borders views, if at all.

Meanwhile, American leaders of both major parties hailed Fox's election and ignored the border issue altogether.

Clinton congratulate Fox and issued a statement calling his election a "vivid testimony to the depth of the democratic commitment of the Mexican people."

Former Secretary of State James Baker, who held high positions under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, called the election "a truly historic sea change in the politics of Mexico."

Fox was also praised by Bilderberg for his globalist views that demean national sovereignty.

"Fox promised a lot of new spending, which is based on assumptions of very strong growth founded on financial reforms that are still undefined," said Jorge Mariscal, chief Latin American strategist for the investment firm Goldman Sachs.

"For the first time in a long time, Mexico has the potential to address the key structural reforms," Mariscal said.

Fox is doing Bilderberg bidding by trying to eliminate his national border with the United States, by embracing and seeking to enhance NAFTA and by taking the view that national sovereignty is less than sacred.

Fox promised changes in Mexico's foreign policy that would downgrade national sovereignty by abandoning the current government position of strictly opposing intervention -- even by international organizations such as the UN -- in other na tions' domestic conflicts.

"We can't just limit ourselves to unrestricted respect for other countries' decisions, without denouncing rights abuses or major crimes," Fox said.

Fox said he will maintain Mexico's "intense relations with Cuba and intensify them if possible." He said he will invite Cuban President Fidel Castro to his Dec. 1 inauguration.