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Bush Sets Stage For Open Borders

  • President Bush's meeting with the Mexican president appeared innocent but it was used to set the stage for a surrender of U.S. sovereignty.
Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
By James P. Tucker Jr.

President Bush was conditioning the public mind to accept "open borders" and what would amount to universal amnesty for present and future illegal aliens when he met Feb. 16 with Mexican leader Vicente Fox.

That's the educated opinion of a high State Department official who has been a reliable source on Bilderberg and other subjects for more than a decade.

"It's more what was not said than what was said that is significant," the official said. "They have succeeded in making these issues a respectable part of the public dialogue."


Bush "is introducing his no-border, everybody can come doctrine 'on little cat's feet' -- with apologies to Carl Sand burg," he said.

Significantly, he noted, Bush gave the order to bomb Iraq the day before -- at the very moment he would be meeting with Fox. This caused reporters to ask about the bombing in Iraq rather than what had transpired between the two leaders in a brief, post-meeting press conference.

Thus, as planned, the story got less attention than it otherwise would.

The timing was questioned by White House Weekly, a respected journal devoted to covering presidents.

It was strange that Bush ... allowed the bombing of Iraq to take place coincidentally," it said. "The press had heard of the attacks, and as many questions concerned Iraq as did the happy happy new world of Mexican-American relations. What could have been a vigorous press conference was cut off abruptly by a Mexican official after 30 minutes.

"When Fox called for 'open borders' Bush said 'maybe that's not the best way' and let it go at that, and there was little, if any, public outcry," the official said. "Other presidents would have said 'absolutely not -- that's an absurd idea.' "

Meanwhile, he pointed out, Secretary of State Colin Powell told ABC-TV in an interview that the Bush administration is sympathetic to Fox's desire to create an "open border."

A nation is defined by its borders, the State Department official said, and if borders are lost, national identity is lost.

Similarly, the official said, Bush's soft response to the demand for universal amnesty for illegal aliens is setting the scene for precisely that. White House officials said Bush does not think amnesty is "the best way" but he has not "ruled it out."


Bush and Fox agreed to conduct "formal, high-level negotiations" over the subject of immigration -- legal and illegal -- into the United States. In these meetings, involving Powell on the U.S. team, the American people will be further conditioned to accept open borders and universal amnesty, the State Department official said.

"The goal is a safe and orderly migration, a policy that respects individuals on both side of the border," Bush said after the meeting.

"Certainly there is a new approach to things" by the United States, Fox said in Spanish, "a much more positive approach to migration." Fox spoke fluent English when talking to this newspaper in December.

There was discussion of fighting drug traffickers and the prospect of importing much-needed oil from Mexico which also diverted attention from this country's pro spective loss of sovereignty.

On a related issue, the two leaders acted as cheerleaders for the campaign to create a Free Trade Area of the Americas as a prelude to establishing an American Union patterned after the European Union.

"We must work with our neighbors to build a Western Hemisphere of freedom and prosperity, a hemisphere bound to gether by shared ideals and free trade from the Arctic to the Andes to Cape Horn," Bush said the day before his meeting with Fox. "Building this hemisphere of freedom will be a fundamental commit ment of my administration."

Bush wants Congress to pass "fast-track" authority for him to negotiate a hemispheric "free-trade" zone. Under such authority, which was consistently denied former President Clinton, Congress could vote the trade deal up or down but make no changes.

"This could really be big; there are very, very high expectations," said Juan Hernandez, a top Fox aide who specializes in U.S.-Mexican affairs.