Your Influence Counts ... Use It! The SPOTLIGHT by Liberty Lobby

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Will Bilderberg Group Come Out of the Closet?

  • Under increasing media attention and public scrutiny, nervous Bilderbergers are openly talking about the necessity for a propaganda machine.
Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT
By James P. Tucker Jr.

Some Bilderberg participants are suggesting it would be better strategy, in view of the blizzard of publicity in recent years, to be less secretive and operate more like their Trilateral Commission brothers.

For years now, they complain, they have been assured of "privacy" only to be blinded by TV lights, have microphones stuck under their chins and questions peppered at them by newspaper report ers as they get off airplanes and move toward limousines or helicopters.

They are also uncomfortable, they complain, with "mobs storming the gates," referring to a mix of media and patriots being kept outside by an armada of armed guards.

"For the last seven years or so, we have been assured that there have been no leaks, that we will not be harassed, yet here they are, every year," said one. "Why don't we just admit that the [expletives] will find out and act accordingly?"

The Trilateral Commission, which has interlocking leadership and a common agenda with Bilderberg, is less "bullied" because it is less secretive, they said.

True, the TC's meetings are held behind locked and guarded doors. But the TC will say when and where it is meeting and provide a written agenda and list of participants.

Sometimes, the TC will even hold a post-meeting press conference and provide reporters with an "executive summary" of their reports. The thin reports are laundered, however, while the thick documents handed members have called for an end to nation-states in favor of world government, a standing army for the United Nations and a global tax by the UN, among other Bilderberg-backed plans.

But the "fact that they acknowledge their existence and provide times, locations, names and agenda mean that the Trilateral Commission is less harshly treated by the media," said one. "We should think about that."